Tooth Decay: Treatment

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Tooth Decay: Treatment

Dentistes pour mieux vous servir
Ouvert dès 7h00
3 jours par semaine
Ouvert parfois jusqu'à 20h

Tooth Decay: Treatment

La plupart des caries détectées tôt peuvent être traitées d’une façon conservatrice avec des matériaux composites. Venez rencontrer nos dentistes.
Clinique Dentaire BBC

It’s hard to imagine that with all our technology today, dental decay is a disease we still have to reckon with. In fact, it’s the single most common infectious disease in the world.

Tooth Decay Causes

Tooth decay is caused by a number of factors making it difficult to prevent. Its two leading causes are diet and overall health.

Tooth Decay Symptoms

The most common symptom is pain associated with cold, sweet, warmth or pressure. Tooth decay is sometimes visible to the eye, but it particularly occurs between the teeth making it difficult to detect.

Tooth Decay Prevalence

You would think that it mainly affects children, but we find tooth decay in patients of all ages. It can go undetected amongst the elderly, often related to a loss of autonomy.

Tooth Decay Advancement

If tooth decay is diagnosed early, it’s easy to treat (Microdentistry). But if it’s not caught in time, it can attack your nerves and require more complicated treatment (root canal, extraction, etc.).

Tooth Decay Treatment

With early detection, most tooth decay can be treated easily with composite materials (same colour as the tooth). However, in cases where the decay is more extensive or has gotten under existing fillings, teeth have to be restored using different techniques like inlays or crowns.

Tooth Decay Prevention

For patients of all ages, prevention starts at home with a healthy diet, proper hygiene and periodic screening. A visual and radiological examination is essential, hence the importance of periodic follow-ups with your dentist.

We are happy to manage your dental examinations be happy to perform your dental exams and send you off with peace of mind and a decay-free mouth!

Our experienced staff is happy to handle your dental screenings and welcomes this opportunity to ensure your peace of mind!